Tater Tots Worldwide
The Rotten Tomatoes of Totted Potatoes
Rachel Giles began her food Instagram journey when she was inspired by the artist Lorde reviewing onion rings. But, what was supposed to be something for maybe her closest friends, spiraled into internet semi-fame. Giles describes her creative process and her account’s journey in this short video. From Guy Fieri to Giada De Laurentiis, there is no doubt that Giles has some great idols to look up to. She encourages everyone to pursue what makes them happy, even if some people may find it tot-ally ridiculous.
Meet The Face Behind the Tots
Otherwise, know as Rachel Giles. Giles is a first-year student at UNC-Chapel Hill, and her hobby of rating and reviewing tater-tots has blossomed into a potential career path she never thought possible. She is considering pursuing creative writing or travel blogging in the future, as a result of the passion she discovered running Tater Tots Worldwide. Keep an eye on the Food Network in the next few years, you may see this familiar face soon.
Bonus Content
Not everything can fit into two minutes! Here’s some extra information that should help you get to know the ins and outs of Tater Tots Worldwide.

The Guy Fieri Tater Tot Review
The LOL Highlight Reel

Tater Tots Glamour Shots
ODE TO TOTIANA: a poem - Rachel Giles Oh, my sweet Totiana, A poem for you. The love for you that my heart does harbor Is profound, all-consuming, and most of all, true. Oh, my sweet Totiana, How your soft, supple skin does glow. You have a slight delicate crisp Like a day-old mound of snow. Oh, my sweet Totiana, You are small in stature, yet still you are plump. Your crispety, crunchety, potatoey goodness Makes my heart thump, crunch, thump. Oh my sweet Totiana, You are the first thing I wish to see when I awaken. And in that way, you remind me of cereal; Its sat in milk and now has a stale crisp and it is eaten alongside bacon. Oh my sweet Totiana, You are hotter than fire and your orange color displays that as truth. To discover why you love me the way you do, I succumb to becoming a sleuth. Oh my sweet Totiana, You are mushy like my insides when you speak to me. You are sweet like fresh organic and honey, And honey, I wish to be your honeybee. Oh my sweet Totiana, How you gush at the bite like the potato form of a Gusher. When I asked about you, I gush as well, And I can tell I am being a blusher. Oh my sweet Totiana, If I were a donut, you’d be the hole. You taste just like those tiny delicacies And you make my heart a whole. Oh my sweet Totiana, I pray that you’d stay, but I know that you wish to leave me. Both the taste of you and the thought of your exodus Make my stomach feel mildly queasy. Oh my sweet Totiana, I love you so dearly, and you are oh-so delicious! I shall warn you now if you choose to leave me You will surely, most definitely regret it. Oh my sweet Totiana, I could eat you up! And you know it true that I could. Try and leave me and I will; You’ll be gone forever. Try and leave me-- I wish that you would. Oh my sweet Totiana, Can you not see? You will be mine forever. I can’t get enough of you, though you make me sick. But to my heart you will always be tethered.