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The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
The Snow Child truly defies all logic.
It should be boring. It should be an unbearably slow read.
It shouldn’t be completely touching, captivating, and heartbreaking.
Let me explain.
There is so much narrative prose in The Snow Child that honestly is completely breathtaking. The inner thoughts and feelings of these characters are expressed so beautifully and very rarely have I read a book that feels like stepping into the character’s lives so completely. That being said, there is SO.MUCH.PROSE. Not a whole lot of dialogue but before you hit the snooze button let me just say that prose heavy books are not typically my jam either. HOWEVER, Eowyn Ivey does such a lovely job of revealing the characters’ feelings for one another to one another without much having to be said. Honestly, some of the best writing I have ever read.
The magic and mystery surrounding the plot and the Snow Child herself are interesting and will leave you wanting more. No, really. You don’t really get to know what happens. This is actually the reason I didn’t give this book a full 5/5 rating. I selfishly want a bit more explanation about the ending whereas I think the point is to leave it open-ended.
With that being said I highly recommend this book but I can see why it wouldn’t be for everyone. It is certainly not fast-paced, but it is truly beautiful and if you take the time to read it I believe you won’t be disappointed.